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Research, service- highlights

Dissertation Research, Chair

Identifying Human Values Reflected in “Digitoral” Advertisements

Dr. Jed Walls

Middle School Parents’ Views on Using Video Games in Education

Dr. Christine Russell


Me and My TV: Reconceptualizing the Television Audience with Uses and Gratifications Theory

Dr. Christine Dee

A Phenomenological Inquiry of Counseling Trainee's Experience: The Role of Video Review in Supervision and the effect on the Trainee’s Practice

Dr. Mischa Routon

Two Kinds of Presence: A Comparative Analysis of Face-to-Face and Technology-Based Mediated Communication Methods and The Executive Coaching Experience

 by Dr. Lawrence M Drake II

Television Viewing and Self-Discrepancy

 By Dr. Lisa Gaumond

Understanding Employee Engagement Through the Performance Metrics of Individual Who Use an Enterprise Video-Sharing Application 

By Dr. Michael T. Felix

Group Constructed Narratives in Twitter

By Dr. Mike Neal

Narrative Transportation as a Tool to Enhance Reading Comprehension

By Dr. Tyrone Dixon

Research, projects

NSF Grant - AMIDST (Attracting Minorities to Geosciences Through Involved Digital Sorty Story Telling)

AMIDST: Attracting Minorities to Geosciences through Involved Digital Story Telling is a project funded by the Geoscience Directorate of the National Science Foundation (NSF), through their program entitled Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in Geosciences (OEDG).

This project is meant to test an innovative idea of integrating place-based geoscience education with culturally sensitive digital story telling, to engage and attract Alaska’s native and rural children from grades 3 through 5 to geosciences. Briefly, it used required students to create digital stories to demonstrate their understanding of climate change, based on course work and field trips.

Sitka Maker Spaces

An assessment of the current trends and future possibilities of the Sitka Maker Space program. Duties included being part of the design team of the maker space mobile cart program, and collecting and assessing data about its use after it was implemented.

Alaska Learning Network (AKLN)

Evaluation of the efforts of AKLN, a coalition of Alaskan School Districts formed to address the challenges involved in providing academic opportunities to students throughout Alaska, particularly students in rural Alaska, using distance delivery systems. 2011-2012.

ANUAH, Alaska Network for Understanding American History.

Evaluation of a multi-year program that "blends live and distance-delivered credit courses designed to increase individual teacher history content knowledge and use of best practices with group collaborative activities." 2010-2012. 

Consortium for Digital Learning (CDL)

Assessment of the Consortium for Digital Learning program, a 1-to-1 laptop initiative involving over 12,000 students, directed by the AASB. The evaluation report is available to the public. 2009-2011.

BTOP, Broadband Technology Opportunity Program

Evaluation of the federally funded BTOP project, titled: Broadband Technologies and Awareness Program- Bridging the eSkils Gap, 2011-2013.

WaveVII, Sitka School District

Evaluation of WaveVII, an Enhancing Education Through Technology (E2T2) grant focused on helping students and teachers achieve proficiency in technology literacy and skills involved inintegrating technology into the curriculum. 2010.

Standards Through Assessment and Technology (STAT)

Evaluation of the impacts of the STAT project, directed by the Alaska State Dept. of Education and Early Childhood Development. STAT involved providing technology and professional development to teachers and technology coordinators in several communities in Alaska. 2008.

Graduate student projects, dissertation mentorship

Evaluation, mentoring of hundreds of student classroom, community and research projects at the graduate level, including classrooom projects an dissertations, largely in the fields of educational technology, online learning, media psychology and cyber culture. 1985-present day.

Research, outreach, selected projects

Contributing developer of the Media Psychology PhD program at Fielding Graduate Universit

I joined the program in its infancy and along with a half dozen faculty helped it to become a unique succesful program an emerging field. 2009-on-going.

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Personal Learning Network in Digital Citizenship

Along with Dr. Mike Ribble, I helped create a PLN (formally a Special Interest Group, or SIG) in digital citizenship for ISTE in 2012. Mike and I co-chaired the group for its first 3 years. 

Voices of Petersburg, Digital Storytelling Rehabilitation Project

Working with counselors from the Petersburg Mental Health Center, we used digital storytelling as a therapeutic means for healing, therapy and self-expression. The program is in its 9th year. It has attracted the involvement of other Fullsail University. 2006-on-going.

Attracting Minorities to Geosciences Through Involved Digital Story Telling (AMIDST)

A project funded by the Geoscience Directorate of the National Science Foundation through their program entitled Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in Geosciences. AMIDST involved elementary and middle school students in the development of media projects about climate and environmental change. 2008-2009.

Stories of Culture and Place, WCET WOW Award Winner

Stories of Culture and Place helps students research, create, illustrate and perform original stories about their cultures and the places in which they live. It uses a cross-curricular, project-based approach to learning that addresses a number of content and skill areas simultaneously. Students develop digital, art, oral and written literacy skills (pictured here as the DAOW of literacy).


They research geography, local history and cultural values so they can apply their research results to the creation of an original story. They learn project planning skills that are transferable to other activities. They create original artwork to support their stories. They learn about using computers and other digital technologies to help tell their stories. And they develop the self-confidence and social skills that comes with giving voice to their stories.


Stories of Culture and Place activities include:

  • Working directly with students and teachers in classrooms

  • Working with mental health clients as a way to help them "tell their stories"

  • Creation and distribution of professional development materials

  • Providing training for teachers, community members, and organization leaders

Stories of Culture and Place has traveled throughout the U.S., and has been featured through projects and workshops in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Experience with this program formed the research foundations for Jason's new book, Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning and Creativity. Stories of Culture and Place won the WCET WOW (Award for Outstanding Work) Award. 


The following resources are available about Stories of Culture and Place, as well as the techniques used in the program:



Questions about any of the material you find here are always welcome. Please feel free to contact

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