
"Just what I needed to get going on using storytelling with my students. Great example of using Augmented Reality...showed us how to put the story first, and digital second, when it comes to digital storytelling. Thanks for all the free story planning resources."
conference participant
"Looking out into the future through 'tech trends that bend' was scary, necessary- and fun!"
conference participant
"I think I'm more ready for the future now than I was before I listened to you. Thank you!"
conference participant
Stanford Brain, Storytelling Conference 2019
Wow! You gave me an entirely new way to see the importance of character education. Great resources, thinking points, ideas and way to reframe the future...Inspiring and scary. Gave me a new appreciation for the value of my work. - conference participants, organizers
Character Matters Conference 2017
Thoroughly engaging- you're right, the future IS just getting started, and we need to teach our children how to think about it. - conference participant
Twitter Digital Citizenship Conference 2016
Your presentation gave us some very good ideas to work on. Thank you for the great work and inspiration. - conference participant
Character.org National Conference 2016
Jason continues to be my favorite futurist... explains complex technical world in terms I can understand. - conference participant
My head is going to explode... in a good way! I always learn so much when I listen to you. - conference organizer
ISTE 2016
Jason, your messages were just what our campus needed to hear. I am hopeful that the "10%" will be empowered to push ahead, using your inspiration as a pivot. As planned, your multiple topics touched important "nerves" on various campus initiatives. In particular, your digital citizenship message was so timely with the launch of our new first-year pilot and the work that our "general education" team is doing. - conference organizer
State University of New York Teaching & Learning Conference, 2015 - Fredonia
We gave him a standing ovation because his words, his actions, his perseverance were inspirational. - conference attendee
Art Educators Minnesota 2014 - Rochester, MN
Absolutely engaging, on so many levels. - conference attendee
Education Days 2014 - Rotterdam
He spoke from the heart, the mind, and a wealth of experience. - conference attendee
Microsoft Connected Learning 2014 - Muskoka
Jason Ohler's spotlight (on future technologies) was the highlight of the conference for me. - conference blogger
Loved your session at ISTE today! You explained our complex technological world. Truly learned the right direction to head in for my district. - conference attendee
Loved your use of humor and stories! Reduced my anxiety about the future.
- conference attendee
Basically you are the guy I've been looking for! Thank you for inspiring and actually calming my nerves this morning. This conference is one of the most stressful educational experiences I've ever had! Finally you talked about the value of human conversation and I felt like I could exhale. Anywhere I can download this talk? - conference attendee
ISTE 2013 - San Antonio
Jason Ohler was the absolute standout from this conference. He is teaching kids to write media narratives and his work is inspiring. - conference blogger
Normally I don't suck up to the keynote speaker, but in your case I will make an exception. Wow! You were incredible! Inspiring, entertaining, in touch! - conference attendee
He gave us the inspiration, insight and tools to imagine our futures... it's a great time to be alive..." - conference attendee
Everyone is saying the same thing- you were absolutely one of the best keynote speakers we have ever had. Thank you! - conference organizer
Expanding Learning Horizons - Lorne, Australia 2012
Jason Ohler was the absolute standout from this conference. He is teaching kids to write media narratives and his work is inspiring. - conference blogger
I don't usually suck up to keynote speakers, but in your case I will make an exception. You were awesome! - conference attendee
We have had nothing but exceptional comments about your keynote. Absolutely one of the best ever.
- conference organizer
Expanding Learning Horizons - Lorne, Australia, 2011
In all my years as a teacher, this is the first professional development day I have ever attended where I actually learned something from a speaker and wanted it to continue. You have no idea what a compliment I am giving you! - conference attendee
Absolutely the best keynote speaker I have heard in years! - conference sponsor
Decades of research and experience; he has obviously done his homework; all his experience working directly in classrooms made what he had to say relevant, very helpful... - conference sponsor
North Slope School District Profession Development Conference 2010
Thanks for all you did for MIS and international students over the last 72 hours. Wow, what compressed, full experience! - conference organizer
Absolutely the best keynote speaker I have heard in years! - conference sponsor
Munich International School Conference 2010
Excellent! Session provided me with a model to change the culture of instructional delivery in our school district. Very practical examples. Thinking strategies are great. - conference evaluation
National Staff Development Conference
It was a great experience to work with you, as Vancouver teachers have been raving about your keynote and afternoon presentations since last Friday! - conference organizer
I had to email you to thank you for making a difference in my teaching. For the first time ever, I taught my kids how to write a good story, and how to tell it effectively. It was completely due to seeing you at CUEBC and using your book Digital Storytelling. The students exceeded my expectations, especially in the storytelling part...You truly inspired many teachers when you Skyped with us (following the conference). - conference attendee
This was inspirational, practical- I finally have an idea about how to use technology in ways that will resonate with kids and won't cost me a lot of money or time. Thank you! - conference attendee
Vancouver School District (February 2009)
In twenty years at LACUE, that is the best keynote I have ever heard. - conference organizer
Louisiana Association for Computers in Education (December 2008)
Thanks for the great information and for the inspiring keynote. Our teachers loved it. - conference organizer
TIE Colorado (June 2008)
THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION! My dad is a master story teller and it really brought me home listening to you on Tuesday. I want everyone I know to hear your message. I have to say this keynote was the best one yet and they have all been great. - conference attendee
Alaska Society for Technology in Education (February 2008)
Thanks for taking the time to present for us in Sundance. Yours was a particularly exciting presentation and we heard the most wonderful feedback from our guests. - conference organizers
Sundance Art Educator Leadership Retreat (October 2007)
I have heard nothing but rave reviews about your keynote and sessions. Thank you for making our conference such a great success! - conference organizer
Keynote speaker Dr. Ohler spun his tale well. His delivery was outstanding as he kept the audience's attention through a very animated presence. While keeping his act lively, he was able to deliver very pertinent content. - conference blogger
Illinois Educational Technology Conference (IL-TCE 2007) I
Engagement and excitement were prominent in all that we saw and heard... students read, discussed, wrote and performed. Dr. Jason Ohler piqued interest and inquiry for over two hours as he touched on learning adventures. He showcased curriculum that interwove scripting, improvisation, oral interpretation, media grammar and "story core." While we watched student productions that portrayed understandings of metaphor, we assessed with rubrics centered on the visual portraits of story. In all of this, he stressed that "art" or artistic expression is the 4th 'R.' - district curriculum leader
Anchorage Leadership Seminar
On behalf of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, and the New Jersey Principal and Supervisors Association, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to you for serving as the keynote speaker this past July at the NJ Elite Conference. Your presentation was very well received by attendees and they enjoyed your thoroughly stimulating discussions and expertise. - conference organizer
New Jersey Association of School Administrators Conference
I was in the audience at NETA in Omaha when you gave your keynote. I want you to know that your presentation summarized my career of working with students. My philosophy has always been that life is full of stories, just as you outlined in your presentation, and that all people have a story to tell - teachers, students, parents, politicians and retiring teachers... Your presentation was the "stamp" of approval for me as I watched, listened and nodded my head in approval. Fantastic! I was with you on every slide. Thanks for validating my life's work. - conference attendee
Nebraska Educational Technology 2006 Conference
I am just writing to thank you for your inspiring talk you performed at Newcastle. As a media educator since 1982 I share many of your thoughts about the structure, content and assessment of story telling...I will certainly be looking afresh at much of the work i do as an ADE. Thanks again and keep telling the stories. - conference attendee
Community Learning Centre National Conference, United Kingdom
You were a HIT Jason! ... Thank you for your part in contributing to (NASSP's) success! - conference organizer
NASSP 2006 Conference
On behalf of the Alaska State Writing Consortium, I'd like to extend our thanks for the outstanding job you did last weekend facilitating the Digital Storytelling Workshop in Anchorage. Your lively, interactive presentation style, combined with your energy and enthusiasm, was a model for inservice teachers everywhere. We would like to facilitate a week long digital storytelling workshop in either Anchorage or Fairbanks this summer. And of course, we would love to have you be the person to lead it. - workshop organizer
Alaska State Writing Consortium
Southeast Ohio Instructional Technology Conference, comments from attendees-
I looked through the conference evaluations today and your sessions were all rated highly. You were a hit!
The conference was a success thanks to your sessions. They were very well received.
This is the 1st time (in my 18 years with SOITA) that a keynote speaker has taken the kind of time and interest you took with our students. I noticed you speaking with our students numerous times, asking them to share their experience with you. I made a point of watching their eyes as you listened to them; it was obviously critical to them that you were so engaged. Of all our previous speakers, I believe you're keenly aware of the end user, the child who will run with the technology in hand.
You're the 1st keynote speaker who has ever taken time to write back and mention the role of students in our conference. I am personally gratified that you would do so. I shouldn't be surprised - this fits with your overall message. It's simply very gratifying.
I so enjoyed your presentations at SOITA that I attended all of them during the day I was there (Tuesday). Thank you so much, you were very informative and entertaining all, at the same time.
I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation...my principal was in the audience for two of your presentations, and he appeared choked up by your second presentation on students' stories. He talked to me afterwards, and was already brainstorming with me about moving quickly to launch a school-wide story-telling project...
Southeast Ohio Instructional Technology Association, 2005 comments from attendees-
Cray Institute, comments from attendees-
Our workshop had the honor of his teaching for an additional period of time - Eureka! my students will be writing even more this year - they need to make the connections and see their progress as a learner. So many practical hints - transformation to expand the story boarding. Yes, yes, yes!
Jason's re-visioning of an "old tool" [Visual Portrait of a Story diagram] created an epiphany for me; suddenly I was envisioning multiple ways of utilizing this technique with various classes!
Jason's technique/strategy will give me a way to help my students create interesting, relevant stories from their imaginations and experiences.
Although I've actually known all along, I guess I never realized the "character transformation" step in the story-telling cycle. That was definitely an "a-ha" for me.
I have learned that being a good story teller is the key to being a great teacher. Every subject area can be taught through stories . . . . I'm going to practice my story-telling in hopes of becoming a better teacher.
Loved his character, William Tell, and the mentors he met!
I had never thought about digital story-telling in terms of reports or presenting factual information as a story. The examples Jason showed us of student work were astounding, especially the story about metaphor.
Dr. Jason Ohler brought to mind several principles I have known but needed to cement in my memory. All that he said about writing was especially meaningful because he's a techie," not a writing guru, yet he places the importance of the written word before technology.
Now that I observed the visual portrait of a story, I'm excited to try it out on my students. I can't wait to share this information with my colleagues.
Cray Institute for Teachers, 2005
Your sessions were terrific, Jason! We absolutely must find a way to continue the dialogue and to further develop this project. I feel so fortunate...to have been led to your brilliant work. Thanks for all that you've already given to me, my colleagues, and our students. - workshop organizer
Arizona State University, Storytelling and Music Workshop, 2005
Alaska Writing Consortium, comments from attendees-
Thank you very, very much for taking the time to present to the ASWC group. You have no idea how inspired we all were by your insights and by the sample digital storytelling projects presented. Several of the teachers present are planning to investigate digital storytelling further during the fall semester, and many of us (including myself!) are very much looking forward to the digital storytell distance course next spring!
This is the future whether we're on board or not, so thanks for sharing!
Loved your presentation!
Amazing! Great ideas! Very inspiring!
Quyanakpule! You opened my eyes to try new ideas to share with my colleagues!
You inspired us today. Thank you.
"Thank you. It was a wonderful well done presentation."
Alaska State Writing Consortium and The Alaska Arts Education Consortium
Telecommunications User Association of New Zealand,
7 keynotes, 11 workshops in 14 days, comments from attendees-
Everywhere I turn I am getting stunning feedback about the contribution you made. You are one of the absolute stars over the ten year history of this event.
TUANZ received a huge amount of feedback commenting on how 'excellent', 'fantastic', 'entertaining', 'empowering', 'passionate', 'thought provoking', 'exciting' and 'down to earth' you were...'best keynote I have heard' ...a businessman (with) little interest in education found your presentation "transformational" and has since used many of your ideas in a business context.
A HUGE thank you for coming down to little New Zealand to be a part of our Education Conference. We very much enjoyed getting to know you! The feedback we have had from the conference has been very positive and everyone seems to have thoroughly enjoyed your energy and enthusiasm.
At the weekend...I went to...visit a friend...We were only at our friend's house a few minutes and her son, a second year beginning teacher, said how the teachers at his school who had gone to the TUANZ education conference were saying how awesome the keynote speaker was - so the word has definitely got around. Friend's son of course is now hoping he will get the opportunity to go next year.
New Zealand TUANZ National Education Conference, 2005