A hearty hello to all of the world's digital citizens.
I apologize for my absence. The reality is I've experienced numerous medical challenges during the past seven years. Yet, I wake up every morning curious, inspired, and hopeful about the world and doing what I can to improve the lives of people from all walks of life.
I still receive many offers to speak to and consult with groups. What I can offer these days is the wisdom I have gleaned from forty years of experience focused on: 1) the current state and future of technology as it impacts or will impact education, organizations, and society, 2) digital citizenship, and 3) storytelling (digital and traditional) for students, teachers, schools and organizations. I help people change their lives by 'finding their stories' and help organizations (Non and For-profit) use story to improve communication and achieve their goals.
I do webinars only, usually for no more than 90 minutes per session. Interested? I'd love to hear from you.
My best to you and yours for the important work you do during such challenging times.
free Open Access Course on
Digital Citizenship
I offered a free, full semester course on digital citizenship and digital ethics leadership through the University of Alaska. For teachers, parents, citizens - anyone interested in helping our children navigate the ethics of the online world, and helping them blend their RL and online lives into an integrated, healthy approach to living. No cost unless you want credit. Feel free to use the resources, join the conversation or just eavesdrop.

San Francisco Brain Conference Presentations. They've been converted to PDF:
Innovation, Technology in Education // Digital Storytelling in Education

Need to read?
Recent Books, Interviews, Articles by Jason
Borderline Beautiful - A novel about love, family, hope and borderline personality disorder. (Amazon, Kindle, iBook).
Interview by Tessa Jolls, Center for Media Literacy, republished by CyberWise
How Predicting the Future Can Develop Digital Citizenship Skills
From BigDeal Media
Digital Storytelling- What it is, what it can be
From Big Deal Media
Beyond Turing- What Happens When We Prefer Artificial Intelligence to Real Teachers?
Cyber Civics
Classroom Project Exemplifies Power of Augmented Reality
University of California, Chico

Borderline Beautiful
In this book Jason steps outside his usual domain of technology and the future to write a novel that explores love, family, hope and borderline personality disorder.
Felicia sits on stage among a group of honorees awaiting her turn to accept a national award for excellence in predictive analytics. To the audience, she appears calm and composed but inside she’s overwhelmed by a tidal wave of debilitating anxiety. Borderline personality disorder threatens once again to derail her life as she struggles to keep the moment from unraveling.
Love, family and hope converge and are about to stir her emotionally constrained life to its core when she meets a war vet and an abused teenage girl she feels she's destined to save. Felicia faces the biggest challenges yet in her quest to live free of the mind demons that have haunted her since childhood.
Dr. Jason Ohler takes a complex, often misunderstood and stigmatized mental health diagnosis and gives it a compassionate and human treatment. A moving and insightful read.
- James H. Gregory II MSW, Licsw, User Friendly Therapy
An absolute great read… Dr. Ohler’s novel offers fascinating insight into the inner experience, intense emotions and attachment challenges of a woman with borderline personality traits.
- Susan Omer, LCSW, Director, Petersburg Mental Health Services

"Jason has the amazing ability to see the big picture...
insightful, inspiring, humorous, practical, and straight-forward ..."
- From the Introduction by Yong Zhao
With Jason's latest book you hop on board the “technology-roller-coaster-without-brakes” and tour the future, learning how to balance the two worlds in which we now live: real life and the immersive reality on the other end of our smart devices.
BIG IDEAS lays out sensible pathways for considering new perspectives about our digital lifestyles. It tells stories of the future that are rooted in the past, and imbued with the wisdom gleaned from the author’s 35 years of innovation.
"I know only one thing for certain about the technologies that await us in the future: we will find ways to tell stories with them. Let's tell stories that are inspiring and thoughtful, and that are worthy of our imaginations."
- the future of digital citizenship -
At jasonOhlerIdeas.com, ideas are for everyone. You can read archived past issues below in English and Spanish.
New Year's 2019 Affirmation: Humans - not artificial intelligence apps - are the heartbeat of education
Helping students Invent the Future, Part 2
Helping Students Invent the Future, Part 1
What Audiences Say
"Wow! ....Engaging, entertaining, on point! ... My favorite futurist... Jason explains our complex technological world in terms I can understand... using humor and stories... decades of research and experience... he gives us the insight and tools to imagine our futures...as educators, digital citizens, innovators... Like Jason says, be a nowist, not a futurist, because it's a great time to be alive!"

What Audiences Say
"Wow! ....Engaging, entertaining, on point! ... My favorite futurist... Jason explains our complex technological world in terms I can understand... using humor and stories... decades of research and experience... jasonOhlerIdeas.com has a ton of great resources... he gives us the insight and tools to imagine our futures...as educators, digital citizens, innovators... Like Jason says, be a nowist, not a futurist, because it's a great time to be alive!"